Image: The Seven Wishes by John Bauer

I would use this image in English class with my fifth graders to practice listening and speaking. I think it is an interesting image that would make you reflect and imagine different possibilities. Before telling the story that this image contains, I would ask them what is that fantastic creature that appears in the image and why do they think it is there. I would also ask them what do they think that this child is feeling. If they think he feels astonishment, fear, curiosity, surprise ...

This image would help me start a story related to fantastic creatures such as elves, fairies and introduce the children of this course to this vocabulary that I feel is attractive to them and very motivating.

After reading the story, we would practice reading comprehension. I would ask them questions to see if they have understood the content and if they have followed the sequences. I think this activity is suitable for children in higher grades of Primary because they have already advanced a little in listening and speaking and most of them are very curious about these fantastic creatures. However, I would also adapt it for lower grades.

The objective would be for them to gain fluency when speaking, security, confidence. I think that with visual support and attractive material, great results can be achieved especially when we speak of English.

The technique applied is Story seeding. I would use it because it is very handful when it comes to introduce and work with a story.


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