In the link above there is an image of a certainly odd sculpture or object with a paper tissue. Firstly, this activity would perfectly fit for 1º Bachillerato students, although it can be used in other years as well, if we adapt it to our students’ needs.

The activity I have decided to carry out is videotelling and advert. I truly belief these types of oral practises help a great deal to improve the communicative competence in younger learners as well as in adult ones.

The students would create their own adverts having in mind that the given picture is supposed to be the key gift for this Christmas. In order to convince the audience, they would create a very fun and original advertisement. To carry out this project, they could use more images, videos or they could even record their own material such as audios, videos, etc.

The objective of this task is mainly to improve the speaking skills and secondly,to put into practice some grammatical structures like modal verbs, superlatives and the imperative.

The first step is to give the students (or project the image on the whiteboard) the already mentioned image. As it is very odd, the students are likely to laugh, but, at the same time, they might find it difficult to make that object sellable. However, we can suggest a wide range of purposes for that sculpture (the crazier, the better).

The second step is to show them the advertising language used. To do so, a few videos would be displayed, and we, teacher, could highlight key words and structures that they could use for their adds.

Finally, they would create their own advert with that object and its purpose. They will have to bear in mind that it is meant to be a great gift for this Christmas, so it has to be oriented to a specific public and take advantages of the people’s tend to spend a lot of money during this time of the year.

The moral would be the following: we waste enormous amounts of money on things we do not really need, but we are not aware of the pressure commercials have on us. We simply follow trends.


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