Chameleon hatches from egg.
Lesson: Peecaboo!!! Chameleon hatches from egg.
LEVEL: This video activity is aimed at sixth-fifth grade Primary Education. This story is based on the technique of “PICTURE-TELLING” (based on Story Seeding technique) and it involves a video which will be revealed at the end of the story-telling session.

Boost the students creativity and develop their oral and writing skills.
Revise Science contents about Animal kingdom (vertebrates & invertebrates, … : reptiles).
Develope creative writing skills.

About the image
The image in this activity is a baby chameleon hatched from its egg.

First, students cannot see the image. The teacher tells the students about this image on TV and that the subject of this photogragh is a wee, tiny being/creature on somebody’s part of the body. We tell students that before you show them the photograph, you are going to describe it with a text in hand.

So we read the text twice slowly and clearly and describe the photograph.
Secondly, give out the description text and show students the photograph and find out if they predicted correctly.
The teacher tells it is a baby chameleon hatching from its egg. It wiggled and squirmed free. Once it was done shedding its shell, it changed colours in someone’s hand.

Students ask wh- questions about the classification of animal kingdom and its characteristics.

Then, we tell the students that they are going to write a creative story about a baby chameleon (telling its main facts) with superpowers to save the planet Earth. Things they can do to help save our planet and that its changing of colurs will solve any kind of problems.

The teacher refers the students to some websites:

The students final task is to present, share and show their story with an online tool, as an online notice board,


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