1ST Bachillerato


To share with your classmates and teacher a legend you like/have heard of/know by heart

1) (Technique: Seeding) Brainstorm ideas from the images shown in the photos / videos, guess what the story is about, as a springboard for different types of activities (*)

2) Teacher tells the story (filling gap exercise, gaps can be blank spaces or phonetic transcription substitution or image substitution, sentence ordering, etc.) (**)

3) In small groups (up to 3) in class, they negotiate which activity * they are going to do and plan at least a first draft.

4) Students investigate in their ancestors’ background to tell a story / legend in the type of activity they choose (real or fake) (*) (75 - 100 words)

5) Peer assessment, self assessment and teacher assessment of stories. (Rubric)

* Types of activities to choose from:

i. Write an email to a friend telling your story (include images).

ii. Write an email to the teacher telling your story (include images).

iii. Design a comic of your story; it may include drawing and filling bubbles to display in the class, in the corridors or even the hall of their high/secondary school.

iv. Write a dialogue about your story that can turn into a short theatre play you may perform in a school festival.

v. Record a podcast (using “anchor”) in your smartphone telling your story and share it with classmates and the teacher.

vi. Publish your story as an Instagram / Facebook / Vlog/ Photolog / Twitter post or even a TiK ToK video (whatever social network students may use if they do)

(**) There is a rooster statue in my parents' small village in the north of León, behind the church, in the middle of a kind of garden.

Many visitors, especially bikers, at their arrival, usually take photos in front of it. It is very intriguing and they often wonder why there is a rooster there and ask villagers.

Some of us decided to make up a story about it, and there it goes:

“One night, over a full moon, a house was set on fire, but nobody seemed to notice it. Then, suddenly, the roosters of this family started to crow loudly and woke up everybody. Although the house was deeply damaged, the family could save their lives thanks to their roosters. Some years later, this family asked the mayor to find a way to pay tribute to this action."


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